Be Back Yard Ready This Spring!

The temperature is rising, snow is melting and the days are definitely longer.  Many of us are eyeing our decks and thinking about that first cocktail on the patio or al fresco dining.


While it might not be quite patio season in Saskatchewan, we can do some prep on the outdoor furniture now so when that the first sunny day with no snow materializes, you can kick back and relax rather than taking off furniture covers and having to clean for hours before you can enjoy your deck. 

Start by removing protective covers, and use a soft brush (even a bigger paint brush works) to get dust, leaves or general grime off of the furniture body and cushions. 


To clean the frame of outdoor furniture made of metal, wood, composite or plastic wicker, make a solution of 1/4 cup mild dishwashing liquid, such as Ivory, and 1 gallon of warm water.  Use a sponge or a soft-bristle brush to scrub the furniture's surface thoroughly.  As tempting as power washing is, don't do it!  Power washing pushes water into rivets, screwholes and joints that can cause rusting, cracking and mildew growth.  Once washed, rinse the frames with fresh clean water, and then pat dry with a lint-free cloth.


Now for some cushion care.  If you cushions have stains, try spot cleaning first. Removable covers sometimes can be machine-washed in cold water using mild, bleach-free laundry soap, and air-dried. To hand wash, submerge the fabric in a solution of 1/4 cup of gentle liquid soap, such as Ivory, and 1 gallon of lukewarm water, rinse, and air-dry.

If you find mold on your solution dyed fabric cushions, try mixing 1 gallon of warm water with 2 tablespoons of oxygen bleach if the care guide lists it as an approved cleaning agent. Test this solution on an area not as visible to ensure the fabric is ok.  Wet the affected area, and scrub with a soft-bristle brush. Rinse, and air-dry. 


Once this is done, you are officially patio party ready!

Back yardPatioSpring